Trang VoPham, PhD MS MPH
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology in the Public Health Sciences Division at Fred Hutch Cancer Center & Principal Investigator (PI) of geoexlab
Dr. Trang VoPham (she/her/hers) is an epidemiologist at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center conducting research on environmental risk factors for health using geospatial science methods. She received a PhD and MPH in Epidemiology from the University of Pittsburgh, an MS in Geographic Information Science (GIS) & Technology from the University of Southern California, and completed a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Cancer Epidemiology at Harvard. She is PI of several research grants, including an NIH/NIDDK K01 study examining air pollution exposure in relation to liver disease and cancer risk and disparities using electronic health record (EHR) analytics. She has over 50 publications and has presented over 30 national and international invited talks including for the National Cancer Institute. She was honored with the 2024 Geospatial World Rising Star Award and the 2021 Emerging Scholar in Health and Medical Geography Award from the American Association of Geographers. She is an expert in developing geospatial environmental exposure models for epidemiologic exposure assessments, including an environmental light exposure model for solar jetlag.
Research interests
cancer epidemiology ∙ environmental epidemiology ∙ geospatial science ∙ health disparities ∙ social determinants of health (SDOH) ∙ exposome ∙ climate change ∙ liver cancer ∙ liver disease ∙ mapping and visualization ∙ geographic information systems (GIS) ∙ remote sensing ∙ exposure modeling ∙ electronic health records (EHRs) ∙ wearable sensors
Education & Training
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Cancer Epidemiology
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women's Hospital | 2015-2018
Training Programs: Harvard Spatial and Contextual Exposomics and Epidemiology Laboratory (SpaCEE Lab) & Harvard Training Program in Cancer Epidemiology (NIH/NCI T32 CA009001)
Mentors: Francine Laden, ScD & Jaime E. Hart, ScD
Faculty Positions
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Editorial Positions
Cancer Epidemiology, Editorial Board | 2022-present
British Journal of Cancer, Editorial Board | 2021-present
Preventing Chronic Disease, Associate Editor | 2019-2024
Professional Organizations
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) | 2023-present
American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO) | 2018-present
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) | 2015-present
Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) | 2013-present
American Association of Geographers (AAG) | 2012-present
Selected Awards & Honors
Clinical Research Award, Loan Repayment Program (LRP), NIH/NIEHS
Academic Excellence Award, UNIGIS International Association
Director's Award for Population Sciences, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute